Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tremendous Week in Sacramento: Council Approves City's Result Maps, City Moves into Peer Review

The City is currently working with Center for Priority Based Budgeting (consultants) to implement a model that will demonstrate the relationship between current allocations of City resources with respect to Council’s priorities.  To the extent that we are able to correlate resource
allocation with Council’s priorities, there may be an opportunity to consider the reallocation or reduction of allocated resources in future budgets.

In order to continue moving forward on this effort, staff is recommending approval of the attached
Result Maps (Attachment 1).  In consideration of Council’s comments at the January 24th
Workshop, the Result Maps reflect the revised priority results of:
 Economic Vitality;
 Healthy, Sustainable Environment;
 Leisure, Cultural, and Social Opportunities;
 Reliable Infrastructure and Effective Mobility;
 Safe Community; and
 Youth Opportunities and Education

In addition, each Result Map includes associated result/outcome definitions.  The result/outcome
definitions were developed through a collaborative process with the City’s Executive Team and
the consultants.  The result/outcome definitions provide the detailed expectations relative to
achieving each specific priority result.

Final Result Maps are essential to moving forward with this review as the Result Maps serve as
the basis for “scoring” each of the programs/services.  Programs/services were inventoried as part
of the Program Oriented Development (POD) process utilized in budget development for current
and prior years (the POD inventory was provided as part of the January 24
th Workshop materials).

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