Friday, November 16, 2012

Center for Priority Based Budgeting Unveils the Breakthrough Approach Equipping Communities to Survive in Tumultuous Fiscal Environment

The National League of Cities letter urging Congressional Leaders to responsibly address issues related to the "fiscal cliff," brings into focus the consequences of "indiscriminate cuts" and points out the "devastating impact" on local governments.

The Center for Priority Based Budgeting is honored to present at this year's NLC conference in Boston, as part of the Leadership Training sessions on Thursday, November 29th. During this session, we will be sharing the tools and techniques of Priority Based Budgeting through Fiscal Health & Wellness that have equipped communities with an entirely new way of ensuring scarce resources are allocated to the most relevant and effective programs they offer.

Please join us in Boston for this timely session where we'll be providing tools to answer questions of the day such as these:

 - What is the role of local government within a community?
 - What is local government uniquely qualified to provide, for the maximum benefit to citizens, for the   tax dollars they contribute?
 - How does local government position itself among all of a community’s service providers, all of a community’s “resources” (public and private sectors, non-profits and volunteers), to achieve “success” in a community (where “success” is the unique definition of that community)?
 - How does local government go about allocating scarce resources to achieve the community’s highest priorities? And how, in this challenging era of economic uncertainty, can this be accomplished in a way that most can agree on?

Session Description:

Communities today struggle to develop meaningful and fiscally prudent budgets under financial pressures previously unknown. Most organizations believe that the responses they have made to the current financial crisis represent a permanent change in the way they will approach their budgeting processes. This session will explore innovative and proven tools and techniques needed to achieve both short-term relief and long-term sustainability through a unique and creative process called priority-based budgeting. Where traditional responses like across-the-board cuts, tax increases, asset sales, pay freezes, and furloughs have not provided adequate solutions, this session will discuss how local leaders across the country have turned to priority-based budgeting to help align budgets and resources with the goals of their communities. Drawing on case studies of 30 organizations, the seminar will help you focus on your city's core functions, align resources, and present a clearer vision about budget priorities.

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