Center for Priority Based Budgeting
The "New Wave" of Local Government
2014 Annual Conference
Denver, Colorado | August 5 - 7, 2014
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel
Register Now and Book Your Hotel!
The "New Wave" of Local Government 2014 annual conference is brought to you by the Center for Priority Based Budgeting (CPBB) in partnership with the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), the Alliance for Innovation (AFI), Emerging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) and the National League of Cities (NLC).
The ICMA "Leading Practice" of Priority Based Budgeting is fundamentally changing the way local governments are approaching resource allocation, community partnerships, transparency in financial management and literacy, credit rating management, and our very understanding of the modern role of pro-active governance.
A Revolution In How Communities Leverage Resources
Building upon the excitement and enthusiasm from the CPBB 2013 "Summit of Leading Practices" Annual Conference, we'll be delivering even more success driven initiatives from the CPBB, our partners and your local government practitioner peers that will provide proven strategies designed to catapult your organization into the innovation stratosphere! REGISTER HERE! Listen to CPBB Co-founder Chris Fabian provide a 2014 CPBB conference overview in the Espresso Blast below:For over five-years, communities across the US and Canada have been implementing and evolving our scalable and replicable core fiscal and economic development concepts, and the outcomes have been nothing short of revolutionary! We are living and working in some of the most extraordinary times in the history of local governance! Thrust into a mode of survival during the Great Recession, communities were forced to re-imagine the very role of local government – what authors Bruce Katz and Jennifer Bradley have coined as “The Metropolitan Revolution.”
As we’ve seen through the nearly 70 communities who have leveraged their pioneering and courageous work in Priority Based Budgeting to thrive in this revolution, what we recognize today is something even more profound – it’s evolution. The inspiration behind this revolution is the theme of this year’s 2014 Annual Priority Based Budgeting Conference – A Revolution in how Communities Leverage Resources in this “New Wave” of Local Government - and it is our most important initiative to date!
The CPBB’s 3rd annual conference will focus on:
•User Group Experience – with a tipping point of communities having excelled in bringing Priority Based Budgeting to life, with many communities now several years into their evolving implementation, and the first academic research on the measureable outcomes of PBB, it’s time to share the lessons learned. This year’s conference will bring together the leading practitioners in PBB to share the keys to their success, what they accomplished, and most importantly where they are going next!
•Leading the Way in Key “Result Areas” – through the “new lens” of Priority Based Budgeting, communities have unveiled an entirely unique understanding regarding the “Results of Government” that define the very role of modern local government. The answer to the question “why do we exist” has focused on several key “Result” areas most relevant for our time. This year’s conference will showcase leading innovators, redefining how to address economic development and local job growth through the use of incubators and partnerships; new models for achieving safer communities at lesser cost; revenue generation strategies attainable to every local government that have to date remained hidden; shared service models emerging to help local government redefine service levels in key public-public and public-private partnerships; understanding the complex role of local government in long-term sustainability; advancing past "performance measurement" to reveal a new component to priority based budgeting that includes "results measurement" strategies; explaining how credit rating agencies assess municipal credit ratings and how the transparent concepts of fiscal health and priority based budgeting can assist in stabilizing and improving bond and credit ratings, and more!
•Implementing Fiscal Health & Wellness Through Priority Based Budgeting – and of course, attendees will be immersed in the methodology, case studies and lessons learned in implementing Priority Based Budgeting in your community.

Early bird registration rate for this 3-day event only $379.00 (additional discounts may apply)! Several registration discounts are available based on eligibility (promo codes displayed on registration page).
Conference Partner Member Discount- 10% discounts for members of conference partner groups:
ELGL Members- Enter ELGL
ICMA Members- Enter ICMA
AFI Members- Enter ALLIANCE
NLC Members- Enter NLCITIES
Local Discount - Available for any individual currently residing in Colorado.
A 10% discount is available just for locals!
Locals- Enter LOCAL
Group Discount- Available for 3 or more members of the same organization who register for the conference.
20% discount available.
Enter GROUP (each individual member of group must enter the code while registering)
Student Discounts- Available for any FT student who registers for the conference.
A special student rate of $99 is available.
FT Students- Enter STUDENT
*Only one discount available per person
We look forward to seeing you at the CPBB 2014 Annual Conference to discover all the creative and innovative concepts so many local government communities are implementing across the country!
Keep an eye on the CPBB blog for further updates. Sign-up for our social media pages so you stay connected with TEAM CPBB!
If you're thinking of jumping into the world of Fiscal Health and Wellness through Priority Based Budgeting we would certainly like to be part of your efforts! Contact us to schedule a free webinar and identify the best CPBB service option(s) to meet your organization's particular needs.
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