The Center for Priority Based Budgeting is proud to begin implementation of Priority Based Budgeting in the beautiful City of Springfield, Oregon today. Tonight we'll be presenting the Priority Based Budgeting Results Validation Workshop to the Springfield City Council. According to the Springfield City Council Agenda Packet, "Priority Based Budgeting is a strategic alternative to traditional budgeting. The philosophy of priority-driven budgeting is that resources should be allocated according to how effectively a program or service achieves the goals and objectives that are of greatest value to the community. It is a flexible step-by-step process to budget scarce resources. Priority Based Budgeting represents a fundamental change in the way resources are allocated, requiring accountability for results that are the basis for a service budget allocation.
The program Springfield is beginning in 2013 has been designed by the Center for PriorityBased Budgeting and is being supported by the International City/County Manager’sAssociation (ICMA). This first year represents a change in budgeting philosophy that is designed to provide greater integration between our Council’s Community goals, our City’s and department’s strategic plans and decisions concerning resource allocation during the budget process. The base developed during this first year lends itself to expand during subsequent years to include greater community involvement and a greater understanding of measuring progress towards success."
Thank you to the City of Springfield for launching an innovate new approach to budgeting! We know you will be very successful!
Be sure to monitor our twitter feed @theCPBB for City of Springfield PBB implementation updates over the next two days.
To learn more about Priority Based Budgeting from CPBB and the nation's leading local government practitioners, be sure to attend the upcoming...
Center for Priority Based Budgeting 2013 Annual Conference
"A Summit of Leading Practices"
July 9 & 10, 2013 Arlington, Virginia Hilton Crystal City Hotel
Brought to you by the Center for Priority Based Budgeting (CPBB) and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), in partnership with the Alliance for Innovation (AFI).
The 2013 "Summit of Leading Practices" is the ONLY conference where ICMA's Leading Practices for Local Government Management come together under one roof.
The 2013 CPBB "Summit of Leading Practices" Annual Conference is strongly supported by
Quartile 1 sponsor SAFEbuilt, Quartile 2 sponsor ClearPoint, Supporting Sponsor Beehive Industries and Exhibitors OpenGov and Revelstone Labs. Thank you sponsors!
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