Thursday, July 25, 2013

CPBB "Summit" Local Government High: Long Term Financial Planning, PBB as Civic Innovation and High Performance Organizations


What an exciting CPBB 2013 "Summit of Leading Practices" Annual Conference! I know we are still riding high from the creative energy and innovative concepts discussed during the two day "Summit." We hope you're feeling the "local government high" and take this energy home and apply it in your organization! Thanks to all conference attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, partners and friends!

Beyond the "high", we also left the "Summit" full of  innovative "Leading Practice" inspiration and we're hungry for more! To satisfy your infectious cravings, the CPBB is revisiting each conference session on this blog. The intent is to recap the energetic session presentation(s) and reinforce the innovative "leading practice" concepts discussed at the "Summit!"

To continue this blog series, we will review the electric Day 2 morning conference sessions. ENJOY!

Shayne Kavanagh, Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)

The legendary Shayne Kavanagh (GFOA) kicked off an explosive Day 2 by discussing Leading Practices and
Shayne Kavanagh, GFOA
their Context on Long Term Financial Planning.
Shayne began by defining Long Term Financial Planning (LTFP) and emphasizing how critical this is for the fiscal success of local government communities. LTFP is defined as: A combination of technical analysis and strategizing; A collaborative and visionary process; and an anchor of financial sustainability. 

Shayne went on to outline the five pillars of LTFP. These include:
  • Long-Term Service Vision
  • Financial Policies
  • Technically Sound Analysis & Forecasting
  • Collaborative & Participative Process
  • Connection to Other Plans
As Shayne walked us through each of the five pillars of LTFP he emphasized the importance of implementing a Collaborative & Participative Process as the foundation for developing LTFP.

Shayne continued his presentation by outlining Risk Based Reserve Analysis (with a Case Study of the City of Colorado Springs) and ended by explaining the concept of Lean Process Improvement (as a critical compliment to Priority Based Budgeting). See the full slide presentation here.

Pete Peterson, Davenport Institute of Public Policy

With Priority Based Budgeting as Civic Innovation, Pete Peterson (Davenport Institute) riveted "Summit" attendees as he brought to life stories of success in "legitimate citizen engagement"and how it directly supports Priority Based Budgeting.

Pete Peterson, Davenport Institute "Are we fired up?!!"

Pete set the Agenda for his presentation… "first, I want to define what this quiet revolution is…next have an understanding of how many local gov’t officials view “public engagement”…related, I will define the ironies of public engagement…followed by concepts that we have found in our consulting with and training public sector officials…and conclude with an incredible story from a small (but famous) Los Angeles-area city. And I’m going to do this in 12 minutes…so are we fired up? Ready to Go?" The crowd responded enthusiastically!
Pete jumped into the well documented theory surrounding the "decade of local government" best explained by ICMA Executive Director 
Bob O'Neill (The Coming Decade of Local Government... Are You Ready?). Pete theorized that this "Crisis" can lead to significant "Civic Innovation." The "Crisis" is driven by: Fiscal Crisis, Demographic Crisis, Crisis in Trust and Explosion of "2.0" Technology. The "Civic Innovation" response will be led by: Collaboration (Inside Government), Engagement (Outside Government) and Technology (Either in Communication or Evaluation). 

Pete outlined the theory of "Moneyball Government" as "One thing that is essential to a more results-driven government is holding politicians accountable for their support of failing programs. Interest groups regularly rate politicians on their adherence to a particular perspective. What if we had a Moneyball Index, easily accessible to voters and the media, that rated each member of Congress on their votes to fund programs that have been shown not to work?” (“Can Gov’t Play Moneyball?” The Atlantic, Bridgeland and Orzag, July 2013)
Pete continued his presentation by providing case studies of  successful examples of "Civic Innovation" across the local government community. See the rest of Pete's fascinating session here.

Anton Gardner, Commonwealth Center for High Performance Organizations

Anton Gardner, Commonwealth Center for HPO

Anton Gardner with the Commonwealth Center for High Performance Organizations rounded out the Day 2 "Summit" morning session with a presentation on Priority based Budgeting and the High Performance Organization (HPO).
This session highlights the key factors that matter most when you want to move towards higher performance in your organization by providing an overview of the High Performance Organizations (HPO) Model that many local governments are using to sharpen their performance, increase citizen satisfaction and reduce costs. Through a leadership focus, Anton explains how both the “vision” and “values” of an organization can increase employee engagement and bring out the many talents hidden in most local governments. The High Performance Organization Model has been named as a best practice by ICMA's Center for Management Strategies.

Anton kicked off his comprehensive session by outlining characteristics of engaged employees, disengaged employees, employee response(s) to organizational transition and "engaging all the employee has to offer." Through meaningful staff interaction, organizational leadership and deep employee engagement, Anton unveiled a Networked Talent Model designed to create a holistic "work" environment.

Anton went on to define "High Performance" and several key diagnostic questions every organization must answer to individually acknowledge how they define "High Performance." He continued outlining the HPO Change Model by identifying 6 Key "Change Levers" and how they apply in constructing a true High Performance Organization. To see Anton's full HPO presentation click here.

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." - Steve Jobs

150+ local government "Summit" attendee rock-stars can't be wrong!!!!
Day 2 of the "Summit" was an enormous success highlighting three critical local government "Leading Practices" (Priority Based Budgeting, High Performance Organization(s) and Civic Engagement). An amazing Day 2 morning session of learning, creativity and innovation! Stay tuned for the next series of blogs highlighting the amazing Day 2 afternoon "Summit" sessions (local government expert case studies and the "user group" experience!

Finally, in an effort to ensure everybody has access to the conference session presentation slides, we've set up two additional folders within the ICMA Knowledge Network Center for Management Strategies Group and DropBox to help those who don't have access to Google Docs. Both of these sites will require people to sign-in (if they already have an account), or create an account and then sign-in (if they don't already have an account).

ICMA Center for Management Strategies Group 


Keep an eye on the CPBB blog for further updates and to feed the "local government high" inspired by the "Summit." Sign-up for our social media pages so you stay connected with TEAM CPBB!

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If you're thinking of jumping into the world of Fiscal Health and Wellness through Priority Based Budgeting we would certainly like to be part of your efforts! Contact us to schedule a free webinar and identify the best CPBB service option(s) to meet your organization's particular needs.


"DATA VISUALIZATION" for Local Government


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