What an exciting CPBB 2013 "Summit of Leading Practices" Annual Conference last week! I know we are still riding high from the creative energy and innovative concepts discussed during the two day "Summit." We hope you're feeling the "local government high" and take this energy home and apply it in your organization! Thanks to all conference attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, partners and friends!
Beyond the "high", we also left the "Summit" full of innovative "Leading Practice" inspiration and we're hungry for more! To satisfy your infectious cravings, the CPBB is revisiting each conference session on this blog over the next 1-2 weeks. The intent is to recap the energetic session presentation(s) and reinforce the innovative "leading practice" concepts discussed at the "Summit!"
To launch this blog series, we will start with the exciting conference key-note address(es) by Cheryl Hilvert (ICMA) and Pam Muse (AFI). Enjoy!
Kick-off to the Conference from ICMA and the Alliance for
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and the Alliance for Innovation were the co-sponsors of this year’s CPBB conference—“A Summit of Leading Practices.”
The theme of this year’s conference was chosen for a very specific reason: because of the leadership of ICMA and the Alliance, “Leading Practices” are being established to set a direction for local government management, and for the sustainability of our communities. We wanted to focus a spotlight on these “Leading Practices” in order to demonstrate how they work together, how they can build upon Fiscal Health and Wellness through Priority Based Budgeting, and how they can be a roadmap for any local government that is on the path of greatness.
The Director of ICMA’s Center for Management Strategies, Cheryl Hilvert, described why ICMA has embarked on this exciting new endeavor to establish “Leading Practices.” CMS began as a great idea to expand beyond education and technical assistance in "prevailing practices" in local government management (prevailing practices being those best approaches to work that are in place in most local governments today) to delivering assistance to managers who are interested in learning about those innovative "leading and emerging practices" that are in place in only the more creative and risk tolerant communities.

Together with the Alliance for Innovation, the intent is to identify and research emerging best practices in local government, evaluate where these practices are being implemented, and most importantly judge the outcomes of these practices. Among the criteria for CMS to establish a leading practice is that it has to be "scalable" so that organizations large and small, city or county or otherwise, could implement them. And again, most importantly, there must be proven, demonstrable and repeatable outcomes that result from a community implementing these practices.
ICMA's Center for Management Strategies just turned one! We have accomplished a lot since the Center for Management Strategies was "born" last July 1. We have lots to do in terms of bringing new research topics forward. Through our service provider network, we need to assist managers by making implementation of those leading practice areas easier for local governments. We also need to to raise awareness of the work we are doing so that more managers know what is available to assist them in bringing innovation and leading practices to their communities!
Membership to CMS is FREE so be sure to sign up and take advantage of this tremendous resource. Thanks to everyone who has assisted us thus far and now. . . on to year 2!!!!
To learn more visit: CMS Website, CMS Blog and CMS Group
Alliance for Innovation
And we also heard from the Alliance for Innovation’s Pam Muse as she articulated the role of the
Alliance as the “Bell Labs” of local government, vetting “Emerging Practices” as they go through the testing and research process that ultimately results in their becoming a “Leading Practice.”
The Alliance for Innovation stands at the cutting edge of local government innovation. AFI's unique and pivotal role in identifying emerging practices is what led to the discovery of Priority Based Budgeting back in 2008, when the process was first developed and implemented in a County environment. Pam Muse was first on the scene to witness the results of that initial implementation and encouraged the widespread release and dissemination of knowledge about PBB to local governments everywhere. Five years later, in front of 160 conference attendees, many of whom have already or are in the midst of implementing the process, Pam addressed the critical importance of the Alliance as a testing ground of new ideas that have the potential of helping change local governments in significant ways.
While the showcase of PBB is significant, the Alliance also showcases a variety of innovative local government practices. Contact Pam to find out how your community can benefit from the experience and expertise of the Alliance for Innovation.
Additionally, in an effort to ensure everybody has access to the conference session presentation slides, we've set up two additional folders within the ICMA Knowledge Network Center for Management Strategies Group and DropBox
to help those who don't have access to Google Docs. Both of these sites
will require people to sign-in (if they already have an account), or
create an account and then sign-in (if they don't already have an
ICMA Center for Management Strategies Group
Keep an eye on the CPBB blog for further updates and to feed the "local government high" inspired by the "Summit." Sign-up for our social media pages so you stay connected with TEAM CPBB!

If you're thinking of jumping into the world of Fiscal Health and Wellness through Priority Based Budgeting we would certainly like to be part of your efforts! Contact us to schedule a free webinar and identify the best CPBB service option(s) to meet your organization's particular needs.
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